Exclusive: Genentech plans to cut 3% of workforce across several units, company says

Roche’s Genen­tech unit will cut 3% of work­ers, a spokesper­son told End­points News Wednes­day, mak­ing it the lat­est drug­mak­er to an­nounce staffing re­duc­tions in re­cent weeks.

“We reg­u­lar­ly eval­u­ate our op­er­a­tions to en­sure we re­main well-po­si­tioned to meet the needs of pa­tients to­day while con­tin­u­ing to de­liv­er in­no­v­a­tive new med­i­cines in the fu­ture,” the spokesper­son said in an email. The move im­pacts “sev­er­al de­part­ments,” the spokesper­son said.

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