Century Therapeutics buys Clade; Eliem announces $120M PIPE and a deal

Plus, news about Leap Ther­a­peu­tics, Al­lay Ther­a­peu­tics, Har­mo­ny Bio­sciences, Rally­bio and CSL Behring:

Cen­tu­ry Ther­a­peu­tics ac­quires Clade: Cen­tu­ry is pur­chas­ing the off-the-shelf cell ther­a­py start­up for $35 mil­lion up­front in cash and stock in a deal that comes af­ter Clade laid off em­ploy­ees and closed its Dutch sub­sidiary, as End­points News re­port­ed in Feb­ru­ary. Clade launched with $87 mil­lion in 2021 and was found­ed by CRISPR Ther­a­peu­tics co-founder Chad Cow­an. Cen­tu­ry al­so an­nounced that it’s ex­pand­ing its lead iNK cell ther­a­py in­to au­toim­mune dis­ease, be­gin­ning with a form of lu­pus called SLE, and it raised $60 mil­lion from a pri­vate place­ment in light of the au­toim­mune ex­pan­sion. — Lei Lei Wu

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