FDA commissioner calls on House committee to help combat drug shortages

WASH­ING­TON — FDA Com­mis­sion­er Robert Califf ap­peared be­fore the House Over­sight Com­mit­tee on Thurs­day to plead his case again for more au­thor­i­ty to mon­i­tor the sup­ply chain to pre­vent drug short­ages.

Califf field­ed a wide ar­ray of ques­tions on is­sues rang­ing from lead in some ap­ple­sauce pouch­es to Covid-19 vac­cines to abor­tion drugs. But mem­bers of both sides of the aisle touched on drug short­ages, which could see new leg­isla­tive ac­tion as con­gres­sion­al hear­ings late last year pledged to help.

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