I-Mab CEO details considerations behind China split, hints at potential in-licensing

I-Mab’s CEO is hop­ing its re­cent re­or­ga­ni­za­tion — split­ting its US and Chi­na op­er­a­tions — will sim­pli­fy its in­vest­ment the­sis by shift­ing the risk pro­file and fo­cus­ing its re­sources, af­ter the biotech strug­gled to win over in­vestors.

Speak­ing at an in­vestor con­fer­ence since an­nounc­ing the Chi­na di­vesti­ture, CEO Raj Kan­nan said I-Mab was keen to re­duce its cash burn sig­nif­i­cant­ly as part of the tran­si­tion to a US-based com­pa­ny.

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