Illumina CFO to depart; Jude Samulski ends his run as AskBio’s CSO

An­oth­er ex­ec­u­tive is out at Il­lu­mi­na.

The DNA se­quenc­ing com­pa­ny said ear­li­er this week that CFO Joy­deep Goswa­mi will ex­it and the po­si­tion will be tak­en over by Ankur Dhin­gra. Pri­or to Il­lu­mi­na, Dhin­gra was the CFO at Sum­mit Ther­a­peu­tics.

In ad­di­tion, Il­lu­mi­na named Jakob Wedel as chief strat­e­gy and cor­po­rate de­vel­op­ment of­fi­cer, a po­si­tion Goswa­mi al­so held.

Il­lu­mi­na has seen a good amount of high-pro­file turnover in re­cent months, in­clud­ing in Jan­u­ary, when for­mer chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer Su­san Tou­si left to take the CEO spot at Delfi Di­ag­nos­tics.

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