Cash, chips and talent: Inside Nvidia’s plan to dominate biotech’s AI revolution

Over the last decade, one tech gi­ant af­ter an­oth­er has tried to get in­to health­care and failed. Ama­zon’s at­tempt to re­shape costs and de­liv­ery sput­tered in­to noth­ing, IBM’s Wat­son Health end­ed in dis­ar­ray, and Al­pha­bet’s well-fund­ed projects like Ver­i­ly and Cal­i­co have yet to pro­duce any­thing near the im­pact of its core tech busi­ness.

So why has Nvidia suc­ceed­ed?

The chip­mak­er has be­come the dom­i­nant en­ti­ty in bio­phar­ma R&D’s hottest area — us­ing ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence to de­sign drugs. It’s built a $1 bil­lion-plus rev­enue stream in health and ap­pears to be win­ning the ar­gu­ment that this may fi­nal­ly be tech’s health­care mo­ment — al­beit not in the way past chal­lengers thought it would be.

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