Mustang Bio to lay off workers; MaaT’s new data for microbiome therapy

Mus­tang Bio ax­es 81% of staffers: The CAR-T cell ther­a­py com­pa­ny plans to im­ple­ment a work­force re­duc­tion through­out April to pre­serve cash in the sec­ond quar­ter. Mus­tang had 80 full-time em­ploy­ees as of the end of 2023, per an SEC fil­ing. — Ay­isha Shar­ma

MaaT Phar­ma de­tails da­ta for mi­cro­bio­me ther­a­py: The com­pa­ny’s lead can­di­date had 42% over­all sur­vival af­ter 18 months in a study with 140 pa­tients with acute graft ver­sus host dis­ease (aGvHD), demon­strat­ing a “high and durable re­sponse rate.” An­oth­er Phase 3 tri­al eval­u­at­ing the drug in cor­ti­cos­teroid and rux­oli­tinib-re­frac­to­ry aGvHD is on­go­ing. — Kather­ine Lewin

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