A majority of pharma and biotech companies prohibit ChatGPT use, survey finds

Most phar­ma and biotech com­pa­nies ban or re­strict the use of Chat­G­PT by their em­ploy­ees, ac­cord­ing to a re­cent sur­vey. Half of phar­ma and biotech com­pa­nies re­strict its use, but that jumps to 65% when nar­rowed down to the top 20 phar­ma com­pa­nies, ac­cord­ing to the Zoom­Rx sur­vey.

The chief rea­son cit­ed by al­most all was se­cu­ri­ty and the po­ten­tial to leak in­ter­nal da­ta. But the phar­ma in­dus­try isn’t alone in its con­cerns over the open, gen­er­a­tive AI plat­form. Many lead­ing tech and fi­nance brands, in­clud­ing Ap­ple, Ama­zon, Cit­i­group, Gold­man Sachs, JP­Mor­gan Chase, Mi­crosoft, Sam­sung and Ver­i­zon, have banned the in­ter­nal use of Chat­G­PT.

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