Weeks after closing Bristol Myers deal, Karuna’s ex-CEO heads to Blackstone-backed Anthos

How does Bill Meury cel­e­brate a $14 bil­lion merg­er? With a new post at a Black­stone-found­ed biotech.

Meury has been ap­point­ed CEO at An­thos Ther­a­peu­tics, just over a month af­ter clos­ing Karuna Ther­a­peu­tics’ sale to Bris­tol My­ers Squibb. He pre­vi­ous­ly held se­nior roles at Al­ler­gan and Ac­tavis.

An­thos, which spun out of No­var­tis in 2019, is de­vel­op­ing a next-gen­er­a­tion blood thin­ner de­signed to pre­vent strokes and clots, but with low­er risk of bleed­ing than cur­rent ther­a­pies. Re­cent Phase 2 re­sults sug­gest a 150 mg dose of the can­di­date, abelacimab, re­duced the risk of bleed­ing by 67% com­pared to Bay­er and John­son & John­son’s block­buster Xarel­to in pa­tients with atri­al fib­ril­la­tion.

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