Cerevance’s $47M raise; Parexel’s AI pact

Plus, news about In­tra-Cel­lu­lar:

Cere­vance adds $47 mil­lion to Se­ries B: The neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­ease biotech’s se­ries B-1 raise now sits at $98 mil­lion, with in­vest­ments from Agent Cap­i­tal, Bi­o­lu­mi­nes­cence Ven­tures, and Dou­ble Point Ven­tures, among oth­ers. The com­pa­ny’s ini­tial se­ries B closed in 2020, but it raised $51 mil­lion in ear­ly 2023 as part of the B-1 raise. Cere­vance said it plans to use the mon­ey to­wards its pipeline pro­grams, in­clud­ing start­ing a Phase 3 clin­i­cal tri­al for a Parkin­son’s dis­ease drug. — Lei Lei Wu

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