AstraZeneca on emerging markets, GLP-1 plans and why it’s selective about vaccines

As­traZeneca put the spot­light on its near-20% rev­enue growth dur­ing first-quar­ter earn­ings, dri­ven in part by its suc­cess in emerg­ing mar­kets.

Ex­ec­u­tives on the com­pa­ny’s an­a­lyst call dis­cussed de­vel­op­ment plans for its ear­ly-stage obe­si­ty drug, its se­lec­tive ap­proach to vac­cine in­vest­ments and de­fend­ed the com­pa­ny against crit­i­cisms that it was spread­ing it­self too thin across var­i­ous drug modal­i­ties. Here are six key take­aways:

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