GSK accuses Pfizer and BioNTech of mRNA patent infringement

GSK says it is owed a por­tion of Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech’s Covid-19 vac­cine sales in the lat­est patent suit filed against the Comir­naty part­ners.

In a law­suit filed in fed­er­al court in Delaware Thurs­day, the UK phar­ma claimed Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech ben­e­fit­ed from mR­NA re­search con­duct­ed more than a decade be­fore the pan­dem­ic. GSK said it se­cured the patents to those dis­cov­er­ies in 2015, when it ac­quired a por­tion of No­var­tis’ vac­cines busi­ness.

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