UniQure reaches milestone, Idorsia’s bridge financing extends runway, and Pharvaris scores $70M placement

UniQure, the de­vel­op­er of Hem­genix, the $3.5 mil­lion he­mo­phil­ia B gene ther­a­py li­censed to Aus­tralia’s CSL Behring, an­nounced Tues­day morn­ing that it hit a $100 mil­lion mile­stone based on Hem­genix’s first com­mer­cial sale in the US.

That mile­stone is set to be paid in the next 30 days.

This in­flux of cash comes a month af­ter uniQure sold part of its Hem­genix roy­al­ties to Health­Care Roy­al­ty and Sagard Health­care for $375 mil­lion, with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a $25 mil­lion mile­stone pay­ment if sales reach a cer­tain amount in 2024.

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