Pfizer flexes its creative transformation at Cannes ad festival: #CannesLions2023

Pfiz­er de­buted its new cre­ative think­ing at the Cannes Li­on ad­ver­tis­ing con­fab on Mon­day with a slam spo­ken word po­et­ry per­for­mance, a di­ver­si­ty video star­ring its own em­ploy­ees and a lit­er­al talk­ing head in a clos­et.

Chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer An­gela Hwang and chief mar­ket­ing of­fi­cer Drew Panayiotou took the stage ear­ly, along with mod­er­a­tor Thrive Glob­al CEO Ar­i­an­na Huff­in­g­ton, as the first bio­phar­ma ever on the main stage. The two laid out Pfiz­er’s cre­ative trans­for­ma­tion spurred by the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic, a brim­ming pipeline with 19 prod­uct launch­es in the next year and a half, and the hir­ing of its first CMO in Panayiotou.

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