MarketingRx roundup: Eli Lilly’s marketing chief at Cannes Lions, Biogen raises more Alzheimer’s awareness

Eli Lil­ly’s chief cor­po­rate brand of­fi­cer, Lina Polem­i­ni, joined two oth­er mar­ket­ing lead­ers at Cannes Li­ons on Mon­day to talk about what it means to lead a brand’s mar­ket­ing ef­forts. Among a range of top­ics dur­ing the 45-minute ses­sion, Polem­i­ni ad­dressed the chang­ing way con­sumers are en­gag­ing with and per­ceiv­ing brands, as well as some of Lil­ly’s tal­ent di­ver­si­ty ef­forts.

“Brands are evolv­ing, but more than any­thing, cul­ture is evolv­ing … but that’s al­ways been one of our fun­da­men­tals,” she said. To­day though, the CMO role needs to make sure the evolv­ing cul­tur­al land­scape, and the mar­ket­ing vi­sion of the com­pa­ny that ad­dress­es it, is front and cen­ter with the rest of the C-suite as a key to over­all busi­ness growth.

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