Novo Nordisk sues unauthorized semaglutide compounders, tempers expectations for Wegovy’s global rollout

No­vo Nordisk is strik­ing back against il­le­gal semaglu­tide com­pounders, fil­ing an ini­tial five law­suits and prepar­ing more in the com­ing days and weeks.

The first le­gal ac­tions are aimed at stop­ping the sale of com­pound­ed prod­ucts claim­ing to in­clude semaglu­tide, a No­vo Nordisk spokesper­son said in an email to End­points News. The next round of law­suits al­ready in the works will ad­di­tion­al­ly tack­le false ad­ver­tis­ing and trade­mark in­fringe­ment re­gard­ing its semaglu­tide brands We­govy, Ozem­pic and Ry­bel­sus.

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