In one of JP Morgan’s first biotech bets, Enlaza raises $100M for its permanently binding protein drugs

En­laza Ther­a­peu­tics raised $100 mil­lion to de­vel­op per­ma­nent­ly bind­ing an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gates for can­cer with a goal of bring­ing them in­to the first-ever hu­man stud­ies.

The com­pa­ny an­nounced Tues­day that the Se­ries A round was led by JP Mor­gan’s Life Sci­ences Pri­vate Cap­i­tal, which was formed in late 2022 to in­vest in ear­ly-stage biotech com­pa­nies. En­laza is the firm’s first dis­closed in­vest­ment.

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