Lilly scraps trials of Verzenio, Jardiance and a gene therapy from Prevail

As part of its quar­ter­ly clean­ing, Eli Lil­ly re­moved a few tri­als from its pipeline, in­clud­ing late-stage stud­ies of ap­proved can­cer drug Verzenio and its Boehringer In­gel­heim-part­nered drug Jar­diance.

The In­di­anapo­lis-based phar­ma gi­ant al­so re­moved a Phase 2 tri­al of a gene ther­a­py it got through the $1 bil­lion-plus ac­qui­si­tion of Pre­vail Ther­a­peu­tics a few years ago. Al­so out the door is an undis­closed Phase 1 im­munol­o­gy as­set, per the com­pa­ny’s first-quar­ter earn­ings pre­sen­ta­tion.

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