Is UnitedHealth Group too big? Senators grill CEO on key question in wake of cyberattack

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Sen­a­tors ques­tioned Unit­ed­Health Group CEO An­drew Wit­ty for more than two hours on Wednes­day over the Feb­ru­ary cy­ber­at­tack that par­a­lyzed the US health­care in­dus­try for months and bled some providers dry.

While most of the ques­tions di­rect­ed at Wit­ty con­cerned whether Unit­ed­Health did enough to pre­vent and re­spond to the at­tack on its tech­nol­o­gy busi­ness Change Health­care, sen­a­tors al­so drilled in­to a cen­tral ques­tion that’s swirled around the en­tire de­ba­cle: Is Unit­ed­Health too big?

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