Epigenetic editing startup Chroma lays off staff, focusing on reaching the clinic

Chro­ma Med­i­cine laid off an undis­closed num­ber of em­ploy­ees ear­li­er this week, as the pri­vate­ly held start­up fo­cus­es its re­sources on mov­ing its first epi­ge­net­ic ed­i­tors in­to hu­man test­ing.

The Boston-based biotech is de­vel­op­ing drugs that change gene ex­pres­sion, by adding or re­mov­ing methyl groups, rather than changes to DNA like typ­i­cal gene-edit­ing ef­forts. Af­ter pub­licly launch­ing in 2021, Chro­ma has raised over $250 mil­lion, in­clud­ing a $135 mil­lion Se­ries B an­nounced last March.

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