As digital health unicorns are pressured to do more with less, Transcarent gets a fresh $126M

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Tran­scar­ent’s $126 mil­lion Se­ries D round, which in May bumped its val­u­a­tion to $2.2 bil­lion, stands apart from most growth-stage, high-val­u­a­tion star­tups that haven’t raised cap­i­tal in the past few years.

While many dig­i­tal health uni­corns have cut staff and shift­ed tac­tics to fo­cus on prof­it, not growth, Tran­scar­ent had $100 mil­lion in cash on hand go­ing in­to the round and plans to use the new mon­ey to grow its busi­ness, es­pe­cial­ly through ac­qui­si­tions, CEO Glen Tull­man told End­points News.

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