Antitrust, AI and Alzheimer’s: Join us in New York next week

On May 16 in New York, End­points News and the Fi­nan­cial Times are team­ing up to host the US Phar­ma and Biotech Sum­mit.

I’ve been deeply in­volved in plan­ning our in­ter­views and pan­els, and we have a fan­tas­tic pro­gram about ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence, dif­fer­ent ap­proach­es to the US longevi­ty cri­sis, the bat­tle over who owns the re­la­tion­ship with pa­tients, the macro econ­o­my and its im­pact on in­vest­ments and deal­mak­ing, and more. And we’ll fea­ture pan­els with top ex­ec­u­tives and lead­ers from the FTC and FDA, Bio­gen, GSK, Gold­man Sachs, Ro, and Eikon.

Endpoints News

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