Innovent says next-gen GLP-1 drug from Lilly beats top diabetes med in Phase 3 China study

A next-gen­er­a­tion GLP-1 can­di­date from Eli Lil­ly has out­done an old­er Lil­ly drug in a Phase 3 tri­al in­volv­ing Chi­nese pa­tients with di­a­betes, Lil­ly part­ner In­novent an­nounced late Wednes­day.

The can­di­date, maz­du­tide, was “su­pe­ri­or com­pared with du­laglu­tide,” the ac­tive in­gre­di­ent in Trulic­i­ty, for glycemic con­trol af­ter 28 weeks of treat­ment, In­novent re­port­ed. With­out dis­clos­ing any da­ta, the com­pa­ny added that maz­du­tide al­so showed “mul­ti­ple car­diometa­bol­ic ben­e­fits,” in­clud­ing weight loss, blood lipid, blood pres­sure, serum uric acid and liv­er en­zymes.

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