Merck winds down Phase 3 TIGIT/PD-1 combo study due to safety-related dropouts

A large num­ber of pa­tient dropouts caused by im­mune side ef­fects have forced Mer­ck to end a late-stage tri­al of its an­ti-TIG­IT drug vi­bostolimab in skin can­cer.

Be­cause of the dropouts, Mer­ck un­blind­ed the 1,594-per­son study and said it was un­like­ly it would hit sta­tis­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance. The Phase 3 tri­al was study­ing the ef­fi­ca­cy of vi­bostolimab plus Keytru­da ver­sus Keytru­da alone, in pa­tients with re­sect­ed, high-risk stage IIB-IV melanoma.

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