Cytokinetics lifts curtain on Phase 3 aficamten data, commercial launch prep underway

Cy­to­ki­net­ics de­tailed re­sults on Mon­day from a late-stage tri­al of afi­camten for a rare heart dis­ease, and the com­pa­ny is al­ready hir­ing med­ical af­fairs and pay­er in­ter­ac­tion staff as it pre­pares for a po­ten­tial launch.

“The study hit on not on­ly its pri­ma­ry end­point, but all pre-spec­i­fied end­points,” CEO Robert Blum told End­points News in an in­ter­view. “The mag­ni­tude of ef­fects are quite sig­nif­i­cant­ly large and clin­i­cal­ly mean­ing­ful.”

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