Cardurion touts Phase 2 data for PDE9 inhibitor in heart failure, plans for two more trials

Car­du­ri­on Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals tout­ed pos­i­tive da­ta for its heart fail­ure drug and an­nounced plans to pur­sue two more tri­als, three years af­ter the Mass­a­chu­setts biotech scored a $300 mil­lion in­vest­ment from Bain & Co.

Over the week­end, Car­du­ri­on pre­sent­ed pos­i­tive da­ta at the Eu­ro­pean So­ci­ety of Car­di­ol­o­gy’s Heart Fail­ure Con­gress in Lis­bon for CRD-740 in 60 pa­tients with heart fail­ure with re­duced ejec­tion frac­tion (HFrEF). About half of pa­tients with chron­ic heart fail­ure have HFrEF, ac­cord­ing to Car­du­ri­on.

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