Novo Nordisk’s Wegovy helps keep weight off over four years, new analysis shows

In a new analy­sis of No­vo Nordisk’s vast SE­LECT study, re­searchers may have a bet­ter an­swer for one of the biggest ques­tions sur­round­ing GLP-1s — how long can the weight loss last?

Among tri­al par­tic­i­pants, weight loss con­tin­ued over 65 weeks (15 months) and was sus­tained for up to four years while on the drug, ac­cord­ing to a pa­per pub­lished Mon­day in Na­ture. And at 208 weeks (near­ly four years), semaglu­tide was as­so­ci­at­ed with a mean re­duc­tion in weight of 10.2%.

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