Updated: Sands Capital raises $555M for third life sciences fund

Sands Cap­i­tal said Tues­day it closed a $555 mil­lion life sci­ences fund, mark­ing its third fund in the in­dus­try.

The Ar­ling­ton, VA-based long-term in­vestor will de­vote the Pulse III fund to drug de­vel­op­ers, di­ag­nos­tics com­pa­nies, med­ical de­vice mak­ers and the mak­ers of life sci­ences tools, Sands Cap­i­tal said in a state­ment. Its in­vest­ments are in the range of $25 mil­lion to $40 mil­lion, ac­cord­ing to the com­pa­ny’s life sci­ences web­site, and it man­aged more than $5 bil­lion in life sci­ences and health­care com­pa­nies glob­al­ly as of March 31.

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