BeiGene looks at new partnerships, with a full cancer pipeline and growing footprint

Less than a year af­ter the end of a PD-1 deal with No­var­tis, BeiGene is look­ing at new part­ner­ships that could bring in new as­sets it could de­vel­op or com­mer­cial­ize, or out-li­cense some of its sub­stan­tial can­cer pipeline.

In an in­ter­view with End­points News, BeiGene CEO John Oyler talked through the com­pa­ny’s ex­pan­sive on­col­o­gy port­fo­lio and how its strat­e­gy would play out in the com­ing years. In Sep­tem­ber, No­var­tis end­ed a sec­ond col­lab­o­ra­tion pro­gram with BeiGene, hand­ing back the rights to its an­ti-PD-1 an­ti­body tislelizum­ab. But BeiGene says it has more than 35 drugs in de­vel­op­ment, and plans to look for places where it can strike new deals.

Endpoints News

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