Monte Rosa’s $100M offering; Alexion to hand back preclinical program to Zealand Pharma

Plus, news about First Wave Bio­Phar­ma:

Monte Rosa’s $100M of­fer­ing: The mol­e­c­u­lar glue de­grad­er biotech priced the of­fer­ing at $4.70 per share $GLUE and ex­pects it to close on May 20. At the end of March, it had enough cash and equiv­a­lents to take the biotech in­to the first half of 2026. — Kyle LaHu­cik

Alex­ion drops Zealand Phar­ma’s com­ple­ment drug: The Dan­ish biotech said As­traZeneca’s rare dis­ease unit stopped de­vel­op­ing Zealand’s pre­clin­i­cal com­ple­ment C3 in­hibitor, ZP10068, for “busi­ness rea­sons.” Alex­ion plans to hand the pro­gram back to Zealand. — Ay­isha Shar­ma

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