Pfizer, Arvinas’ breast cancer drug combo keeps momentum after Phase 1b update

Pfiz­er and Arv­inas’ tar­get­ed pro­tein de­grad­er plus Ibrance has shown promis­ing ef­fi­ca­cy in breast can­cer pa­tients in up­dat­ed da­ta from an ear­ly-stage tri­al, rais­ing an­tic­i­pa­tion for a pair of on­go­ing Phase 3 stud­ies.

The up­dat­ed Phase 1b re­sults showed vepdeges­trant plus Ibrance de­liv­ered a 41.9% over­all re­sponse rate (ORR) and 11.2 months of me­di­an pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival (PFS). The tri­al en­rolled pa­tients with pre-treat­ed lo­cal­ly ad­vanced or metasta­t­ic breast can­cer that is es­tro­gen re­cep­tor-pos­i­tive (ER+) and hu­man epi­der­mal growth fac­tor 2 neg­a­tive (HER2-).

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