Bain, Atlas, RTW back new biotech developing obesity drugs with $400M

A new obe­si­ty biotech has en­tered the field — and it has $400 mil­lion from well-known life sci­ences in­vestors to test in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al GLP-1 and GIP can­di­dates li­censed from Jiang­su Hen­grui Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals.

Bain Cap­i­tal Life Sci­ences, At­las Ven­ture, RTW and Lyra Cap­i­tal have in­vest­ed in a new biotech named Her­cules CM New­Co, per an an­nounce­ment this week from Chi­na-based Hen­grui.

Her­cules’ pipeline now in­cludes the glob­al, ex-Chi­na rights to HRS-7535, HRS9531 and HRS-4729, ac­cord­ing to the re­lease. The deal in­cludes $110 mil­lion in up­front pay­ments to Hen­grui, ac­cord­ing to a source fa­mil­iar with the deal. Her­cules, a place­hold­er name for the biotech, will be based in the US, the source said. The new com­pa­ny is a part­ner­ship be­tween Bain, At­las and RTW, the source added.

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