Pharma is rethinking how it interacts with patients after Eli Lilly ripped up the playbook

(This sto­ry is from our new Health Tech newslet­ter. If you’d like to sign up, just click here.) 

More phar­ma com­pa­nies are con­sid­er­ing tak­ing a tip from Eli Lil­ly and of­fer­ing their drugs di­rect­ly to pa­tients.

“I would be sur­prised, and, I would say, be derelict if we were not think­ing about that,” said Eden Wells, No­var­tis’ chief in­sights and de­ci­sion sci­ence of­fi­cer, in a pan­el Thurs­day at the Fi­nan­cial Times’ US Phar­ma and Biotech Sum­mit in part­ner­ship with End­points News. 

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