Australian radiopharma Telix launches bid for Nasdaq listing

Telix Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, a ra­dio­phar­ma drug and di­ag­nos­tics mak­er, has start­ed its march to­ward a list­ing on the Nas­daq, sub­mit­ting its ini­tial pitch to the SEC.

The Mel­bourne-based biotech, which is al­ready list­ed on the Aus­tralian Se­cu­ri­ties Ex­change, has a com­mer­cial imag­ing agent for prostate can­cer, fol­lowed up by a few clin­i­cal-stage ther­a­pies in de­vel­op­ment for var­i­ous can­cers, in­clud­ing kid­ney, brain and oth­er rare dis­eases.

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