Jury says AstraZeneca should pay Pfizer $107M+ over Tagrisso infringement

A fed­er­al ju­ry in Delaware de­ter­mined that As­traZeneca in­fringed two Pfiz­er patents with its block­buster can­cer treat­ment Tagris­so, and that the British drug­mak­er should pay $107.5 mil­lion as a re­sult.

The patents in ques­tion cov­er cer­tain meth­ods of treat­ing non-small cell lung can­cer with an EGFR in­hibitor.

Pfiz­er li­censed the patents to Puma Biotech­nol­o­gy in 2011. Then, in 2021, Pfiz­er and Puma filed a law­suit seek­ing a “rea­son­able roy­al­ty” for al­leged in­fringe­ment of the ‘314 and ‘162 patents. Pfiz­er’s suit is filed un­der Wyeth, the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny that Pfiz­er ac­quired in 2009.

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