With a fresh $100M, Monte Rosa CEO details plans to move several molecular glues into the clinic

Monte Rosa Ther­a­peu­tics CEO Markus War­muth ex­pects mol­e­c­u­lar glues to make up a new class of drugs with “al­most un­lim­it­ed po­ten­tial” in the long run, al­low­ing sci­en­tists to tack­le dis­ease-caus­ing pro­teins con­sid­ered out of reach.

“As we can take out un­drug­gable pro­teins, there’s al­most no lim­it to where we can take the tech­nol­o­gy,” he said in an in­ter­view with End­points News.

War­muth’s biotech faces re­al-world con­straints in re­al­iz­ing those sky-high hopes. But on Tues­day, the Boston-based start­up took a mod­est step to­ward see­ing his vi­sion play out as it closed a $100 mil­lion fol­low-on raise led by Di­men­sion, a new biotech ven­ture cap­i­tal firm, and an undis­closed life sci­ences in­vestor.

Endpoints News

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