AstraZeneca counts on ‘difficult-to-copy’ therapies for big 2030 goal and beyond

CAM­BRIDGE, UK — Pas­cal So­ri­ot has set an am­bi­tious $80 bil­lion rev­enue tar­get for As­traZeneca by 2030. But he’s not stop­ping there.

At the drug­mak­er’s Dis­cov­ery Cen­tre in Cam­bridge, UK, the CEO, self-as­sured as ever, un­der­scored his vi­sion for “long-term growth” by cen­ter­ing cer­tain drug modal­i­ties that could be less vul­ner­a­ble to gener­ic and biosim­i­lar com­pe­ti­tion.

As part of the com­pa­ny’s in­vestor day, in­vestors and me­dia were in­vit­ed on small-group tours of the site, which opened its doors in late 2021. Al­though the fa­cil­i­ty’s lab area was off lim­its to guests, sci­en­tists could be seen stag­ing R&D work through glass walls.

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