Twin Health expands into treating obesity with digital twins

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Twin Health, a start­up that us­es AI and wear­able sen­sors to help peo­ple man­age chron­ic meta­bol­ic con­di­tions such as di­a­betes, launched a pro­gram Wednes­day to treat obe­si­ty.

Twin, found­ed in 2018 and backed by $250 mil­lion in fund­ing, cre­ates a “dig­i­tal twin,” or a repli­ca, of a per­son’s me­tab­o­lism on its app that changes in re­al time based on in­puts from wear­able sen­sors, like fit­ness track­ers and scales, and in­di­vid­u­als’ an­swers to ques­tion­naires. Its tech­nol­o­gy then an­a­lyzes those da­ta and sug­gests lifestyle changes, such as what foods to avoid or how many steps to take the next day to lose weight.

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