Verastem’s stock takes a hit after sharing updated filing plans in ovarian cancer

For a mo­ment, Ve­rastem On­col­o­gy looked like one of the ear­ly win­ners of the Amer­i­can So­ci­ety of Clin­i­cal On­col­o­gy’s an­nu­al meet­ing.

The com­pa­ny’s shares $VSTM were trad­ing up over 50% af­ter hours based on Thurs­day’s promis­ing ear­ly re­sults from its tar­get­ed drug com­bi­na­tion in pan­cre­at­ic can­cer, a dev­as­tat­ing and of­ten fa­tal dis­ease. Five of six pan­cre­at­ic can­cer pa­tients in the first co­hort of an ear­ly-stage tri­al saw their tu­mors shrink more than 30% af­ter re­ceiv­ing Ve­rastem’s treat­ment.

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