US government challenges jury decision in Gilead HIV patent trial

The US gov­ern­ment has asked a Delaware fed­er­al court to re­verse a re­cent ju­ry de­ci­sion fa­vor­ing Gilead in the par­ties’ long-run­ning HIV drug patent bat­tle.

The case traces back to a com­plaint filed in 2019 al­leg­ing Gilead’s grow­ing HIV pre-ex­po­sure pro­phy­lax­is (PrEP) fran­chise ben­e­fit­ed from the CDC’s “ground­break­ing PrEP work” fund­ed by “hun­dreds of mil­lions of tax­pay­er dol­lars.” The phar­ma gi­ant’s Tru­va­da and De­scovy were ini­tial­ly ap­proved for the treat­ment of HIV in 2004 and 2016, re­spec­tive­ly, but each won ap­provals years lat­er in the pre­ven­tive set­ting.

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