EMA asks for more information after safety signal arises for GLP-1s, semaglutide in thyroid cancer

The Eu­ro­pean Med­i­cines Agency is con­cerned there could be a po­ten­tial link be­tween thy­roid can­cer and the use of glucagon-like pep­tide-1 (GLP-1) re­cep­tor ag­o­nists, which in­cludes med­i­cines con­tain­ing No­vo Nordisk’s semaglu­tide like Ozem­pic, Ry­bel­sus and We­govy.

The agency raised a safe­ty sig­nal last month over the class of drugs and re­quest­ed more in­for­ma­tion from No­vo Nordisk, As­traZeneca, Sanofi and Eli Lil­ly, Reuters re­port­ed to­day af­ter a Dan­ish me­dia out­let first pub­lished the sig­nal.

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