Biogen shareholders elect biotech exec Susan Langer to the board after romantic partner departs

Bio­gen share­hold­ers have elect­ed Su­san Langer to the drug­mak­er’s board, part of a se­ries of changes to re­fresh the biotech’s gov­er­nance.

Langer’s nom­i­na­tion to the board was con­tro­ver­sial. Af­ter she was nom­i­nat­ed ear­li­er this month, End­points News re­port­ed that she was said to be in a per­son­al re­la­tion­ship with de­part­ing board di­rec­tor and Saris­sa Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment leader Alex Den­ner. Den­ner, a pro­tégé of ac­tivist in­vestor Carl Ic­ahn, had been on Bio­gen’s board for more than a decade.

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