K36 Therapeutics raises $70M in Series B to fund multiple myeloma research

K36 Ther­a­peu­tics raised $70 mil­lion to help fund an on­go­ing clin­i­cal tri­al for its lead and on­ly can­di­date, an oral mul­ti­ple myelo­ma treat­ment.

The Cam­bridge, MA-based biotech on Wednes­day re­vealed the new cash in­flux. The Se­ries B was led by VC Nex­tech In­vest and in­clud­ed Bris­tol My­ers Squibb and all pre­vi­ous in­vestors, such as Eight Roads Ven­tures, At­las Ven­ture and F-Prime Cap­i­tal.

The biotech broke out of stealth back in De­cem­ber 2021, with $30 mil­lion from a Se­ries A that closed ear­li­er that year.

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