As it searches for a new CEO, Illumina faces a high-stakes year of challenges

Just two and a half weeks af­ter the abrupt ex­it of Il­lu­mi­na’s CEO Fran­cis deS­ouza, the DNA se­quenc­ing gi­ant is fac­ing one of the most piv­otal pe­ri­ods in its his­to­ry.

It has promised in­vestors $100 mil­lion in cost cuts, is await­ing the fi­nal out­come in an an­titrust saga stem­ming from its $7.1 bil­lion ac­qui­si­tion of can­cer test de­vel­op­er Grail, and faces com­pe­ti­tion that wasn’t there a few years ago. This all comes amid its search for a new CEO, who will have to lead the San Diego-based com­pa­ny through those dif­fi­cul­ties.

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