J&J tackles medical illustration inequity with free database of diverse images

John­son & John­son wants to change the sta­tus quo in med­ical il­lus­tra­tions with more Black, brown and in­dige­nous de­pic­tions. Its “Il­lus­trate Change” cam­paign is cen­tered around build­ing a data­base of di­verse im­ages, but it al­so in­cludes a fel­low­ship for med­ical il­lus­tra­tors of col­or and an aware­ness cam­paign to point out the cur­rent mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion.

Less than 5% of skin tones shown in med­ical text­books use dark skin, and on­ly 8% of med­ical il­lus­tra­tors iden­ti­fy as peo­ple of col­or, J&J says. The prob­lem? Less di­ver­si­ty re­sults in di­min­ished rep­re­sen­ta­tion, but it al­so af­fects pa­tient care and trust.

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