Moderna pens deal with China to make mRNA medicines that ‘will not be exported’

Mod­er­na signed a deal Wednes­day to de­vel­op and man­u­fac­ture mR­NA med­i­cines in Chi­na, af­ter oth­er US and Eu­ro­pean Covid-19 drug­mak­ers strug­gled to break in­to the mar­ket with­out a Chi­nese part­ner.

Un­der the agree­ment, the Cam­bridge, MA vac­cine de­vel­op­er will pro­duce med­i­cines in Chi­na that “will be ex­clu­sive­ly for the Chi­nese peo­ple” and “will not be ex­port­ed,” ac­cord­ing to an emailed state­ment from Mod­er­na.

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