J&J leads pharma companies in brand rankings, topping Roche, Bayer and Pfizer amid overall industry decline

John­son & John­son held on to the top spot on Brand Fi­nance’s list of most valu­able phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal brands again this year, and over­took Pfiz­er for the lead in the con­sul­tan­cy’s es­ti­ma­tion of brand strength.

Over­all, how­ev­er, many phar­ma brand val­u­a­tions dipped, with six of the top 10 com­pa­nies los­ing val­ue — in­clud­ing J&J which, de­spite re­tain­ing first place for the fifth year in a row, came in at $12.76 bil­lion in brand val­ue, dip­ping 4.6% from $13.38 bil­lion in 2022. Roche and Pfiz­er fol­lowed J&J, main­tain­ing the sec­ond and third po­si­tions but los­ing brand val­ue. Roche dropped 5.5%, and Pfiz­er dropped 2.2%.

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