No added value for a drug’s new indication? Price should adjust, researchers say

As more fol­low-on treat­ments with in­cre­men­tal im­prove­ments win ap­proval in the US and Eu­rope, new re­search pub­lished yes­ter­day notes that few­er than half of the first in­di­ca­tion ap­provals for new drugs in the US and Eu­rope were rat­ed as hav­ing high ther­a­peu­tic val­ue.

Ther­a­peu­tic val­ue was de­ter­mined in the study by rat­ings for first and sup­ple­men­tal in­di­ca­tions made by France’s Min­istry of Health and Ger­many’s Fed­er­al Joint Com­mit­tee, based on eval­u­a­tions and re-eval­u­a­tions of drugs con­duct­ed and pub­lished as of De­cem­ber 2022.

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Grünenthal acquires Valinor Pharma

The acquisition aligns with Grünenthal’s strategy to expand its product portfolio. Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock. Grünenthal has announced the acquisition of US-based Valinor Pharma, along

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