Sumitomo will lay off 62 New York workers after consolidating seven subsidiaries

Sum­it­o­mo Phar­ma is cut­ting 62 jobs in New York City, ac­cord­ing to a WARN no­tice filed with the state, af­ter say­ing in April that it planned to com­bine its sev­en whol­ly-owned US sub­sidiaries.

Sum­i­to­vant Bio­phar­ma said in the no­tice that the plant lay­offs are a “re­sult of the in­te­gra­tion of Sum­i­to­vant and a num­ber of its af­fil­i­ates in­to one new com­pa­ny, Sum­it­o­mo Phar­ma Amer­i­ca.” An­oth­er three em­ploy­ees are ex­pect­ed to be let go on Oct. 5.

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