The $2.7B Precision/Eli Lilly deal gets modified; Abeona closes $25M direct offering

A deal be­tween Pre­ci­sion Bio­Sciences and Eli Lil­ly has now been mod­i­fied with low­er mile­stones.

Pre­ci­sion an­nounced the change in an SEC fil­ing, say­ing the com­pa­nies en­tered the mod­i­fied terms on June 30 af­ter Lil­ly as­signed the Pre­ci­sion deal to its sub­sidiary Pre­vail Ther­a­peu­tics in No­vem­ber. The drug­mak­er made the deal with Pre­ci­sion in No­vem­ber 2020, and ac­quired Pre­vail in De­cem­ber of the same year.

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